Solar storm set to hit Earth TOMORROW after HOLE opens up in the Sun EXPRESS A SOLAR storm is expected to hit Earth TOMORROW as a massive “canyon-shaped” hole opened up on the surface of the sun. A coronal hole – an opening in the sun’s upper atmosphere – has opened on the surface of the sun which is in the shape of a canyon – a long and narrow slit. The hole is unleashing a barrage of cosmic rays and unfortunately for Earth, we are in their way. There is a chance that the solar storm could hit today, but it is more likely to be tomorrow when it could cause northern lights, or aurora borealis. As the magnetosphere gets bombarded by solar winds, stunning blue lights can appear over the upper reaches of the Northern hemisphere and the lower parts of the southern hemisphere. Cosmic forecasting site Space Weather announced the impending solar storm, writing on the website: “A stream of solar wind is about to hit Earth's magnetic field. Estimated time of arrival: Feb. 2...
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