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Showing posts from May, 2020

Corina virous (covid -19)

India Today English continues to be country's most-read news magazine India Today Hindi, Business Today and Readers Digest, the Group's other publications, all stand tall as leaders in each of the genres. The latest covers of India Today magazine. India Today Magazine, the flagship publication of the India Today Group, remains the undisputed Number 1 news magazine leading its competitors by a commanding margin, according to the figures released by Indian Readership Survey 2019 in the Q4 report. Not just that, India Today Hindi, Business Today and Readers Digest, the Group's other publications, all stand tall as leaders in each of the genres. The latest IRS findings show India Today English magazine has a total readership of over 9.5 million. India Today has 2.8 times more readers than that of The Week and Outlook English combined. Commenting on this development, Aroon Purie, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, India Today Group, said, "I am delighted to se...

Carry minati roast tik-toker .

Carry minati roast tik-toker . To kaise hai aap log😅aaj k din Ham YouTube Vs tiktok k roast ki bat Karenge Finally carry NE tiktok valo ko javab DE diya. Or uski video aaj trending par chal rahi hai. Aaj sabhi log carry ki side le rahe hai. Muje bhi carry ki roast bohat pasand hai I'm Big friend carry. Aamir ka muh tatti jaisa ho gaya ðŸ˜ĩ Aapko koi OR video chahiye to connect.. To me 😊 Full video in my comments section Maza aa gaya sala ye video dekh K tik tok valo ki ma ***** hai . 

COVID-19 out of control in THESE regions … Govt in panic.

COVID-19 out of control in THESE regions … Govt in panic Although the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has taken rapid strides towards making a COVID-19 vaccine, the rapid increase in the number of coronavirus patients remains a cause for concern. Mumbai, the financial capital of the country, is the worst affected city in India. Despite the lockdown, the coronavirus epidemic is spreading very fast in Maharashtra. Of the total number of coronavirus victims in India, 42 per cent are from Maharashtra. Coronavirus cases in India have crossed the 60,000 mark. The biggest reason for this is that more than 3000 coronavirus cases have been reported daily for four consecutive days. On May 3, the total number of coronavirus cases were close to 40 thousand and in just 6 days this figure crossed the 60 thousand mark. The worst condition is in Maharashtra, where thousands of cases are being uncovered. The death toll has crossed the 2000 mark after 113 people died on Saturday...

āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ° āŠ–ાāŠĻે āŠ—āŠ°ીāŠŽોāŠĻે āŠēોāŠŸāŠĻી āŠĨેāŠēીāŠŪાં āŠŠૈāŠļા āŠ›ુāŠŠાāŠĩીāŠĻે āŠĩāŠđેંāŠš્āŠŊા?

āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ° āŠ–ાāŠĻે āŠ—āŠ°ીāŠŽોāŠĻે āŠēોāŠŸāŠĻી āŠĨેāŠēીāŠŪાં āŠŠૈāŠļા āŠ›ુāŠŠાāŠĩીāŠĻે āŠĩāŠđેંāŠš્āŠŊા? āŠāŠ•્āŠŸāŠ°ે āŠ†āŠŠ્āŠŊો āŠœāŠĩાāŠŽ āŠđાāŠē āŠ•ોāŠ°ોāŠĻા āŠĩાāŠŊāŠ°āŠļ (Coronavirus)āŠĻા āŠ•ાāŠ°āŠĢે āŠ…āŠĻેāŠ• āŠēોāŠ•ો āŠ—āŠ°ીāŠŽ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠœāŠ°ૂāŠ°ીāŠŊાāŠĪāŠŪંāŠĶ āŠēોāŠ•ોāŠĻી āŠŪāŠĶāŠĶ āŠ•āŠ°āŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠļાāŠŪે āŠ†āŠĩ્āŠŊા. āŠ…āŠĻેāŠ• āŠĪેāŠĩા āŠ›ુāŠŠા āŠĶાāŠĻāŠĩીāŠ°ો āŠ›ે āŠœે āŠœāŠ°ૂāŠ°િāŠŊાāŠĪāŠŪંāŠĶ āŠēોāŠ•ોāŠĻી āŠŪāŠĶāŠĶ āŠ•āŠ°ી āŠ°āŠđ્āŠŊા āŠ›ે. āŠđાāŠē āŠļāŠŪāŠ—્āŠ° āŠĶેāŠķāŠŪાં āŠēોāŠ•āŠĄાāŠ‰āŠĻ āŠ›ે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠ† āŠ•ાāŠ°āŠĢે āŠœે āŠ°ોāŠœāŠĻી āŠ°ોāŠœ āŠ•āŠŪાāŠĢી āŠ•āŠ°ીāŠĻે āŠ–ાāŠĪા āŠŪāŠœૂāŠ° āŠ…āŠĻે āŠ—āŠ°ીāŠŽ āŠēોāŠ•ોāŠĻી āŠŪુāŠķ્āŠ•ેāŠēી āŠ…āŠĻેāŠ• āŠ§āŠĢી āŠĩāŠ§ી āŠ—āŠ‡ āŠ›ે. āŠ‰āŠē્āŠēેāŠ–āŠĻીāŠŊ āŠ›ે āŠ•ે āŠ† āŠļ્āŠĨિāŠĪિāŠŪાં āŠŽોāŠēિāŠĩૂāŠĄāŠĻા āŠ…āŠĻેāŠ• āŠļ્āŠŸાāŠ°્āŠļ āŠŠોāŠĪાāŠĻી āŠ°ીāŠĪે āŠŪāŠĶāŠĶ āŠ•āŠ°āŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ†āŠ—āŠģ āŠ†āŠĩ્āŠŊા āŠ›ે. āŠ…āŠĻે āŠ†āŠ°્āŠĨિāŠ• āŠ°ીāŠĪે āŠŊોāŠ—āŠĶાāŠĻ āŠ°āŠđ્āŠŊા āŠ›ે. āŠĪ્āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠđાāŠēāŠŪાં āŠœ āŠ…āŠ­િāŠĻેāŠĪા āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ° āŠ–ાāŠĻ (Aamir Khan)āŠĻા āŠŊોāŠ—āŠĶાāŠĻāŠĻી āŠ–ૂāŠŽ āŠœ āŠšāŠ°્āŠšા āŠĨāŠ‡ āŠ°āŠđી āŠ›ે. āŠļોāŠķિāŠŊāŠē āŠŪીāŠĄિāŠŊાāŠŪાં āŠĪેāŠĩી āŠ–āŠŽāŠ°ો āŠ‰āŠĄી āŠ›ે āŠ•ે āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ°ે āŠēોāŠŸāŠĻી āŠĨેāŠēીāŠŪાં āŠŠૈāŠļા āŠ›ુāŠŠાāŠĩીāŠĻે āŠŠૈāŠļા āŠ†āŠŠી āŠ°āŠđ્āŠŊા āŠ›ે. āŠ† āŠŠāŠ° āŠđāŠĩે āŠ–ુāŠĶ āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ° āŠ–ાāŠĻે āŠļ્āŠŠāŠ·્āŠŸāŠĪા āŠ†āŠŠી āŠ›ે. āŠ‰āŠē્āŠēેāŠ–āŠĻીāŠŊ āŠ›ે āŠ•ે āŠ›ેāŠē્āŠēા āŠĨોāŠĄા āŠļāŠŪāŠŊāŠĨી āŠĪેāŠĩી āŠ–āŠŽāŠ°ો āŠĩાāŠŊāŠ°āŠē āŠĨāŠ‡ āŠđāŠĪી āŠ•ે āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ° āŠ–ાāŠĻે āŠŸ્āŠ°āŠ• āŠ­āŠ°ીāŠĻે āŠāŠ• āŠāŠ• āŠ•િāŠēોāŠĻા āŠēોāŠŸāŠĻા āŠŠેāŠ•ેāŠŸ āŠŪોāŠ•āŠē્āŠŊા āŠ›ે. āŠœેāŠĻી āŠ…ંāŠĶāŠ° 15 āŠđāŠœાāŠ° āŠ°ૂāŠŠિāŠŊા āŠđોāŠŊ āŠ›ે. āŠœો āŠ•ે āŠ† āŠĩાāŠĪāŠĻી āŠ•ોāŠ‡ āŠŠુāŠ·્āŠŸિ āŠĻāŠđāŠĪી āŠĨāŠ‡ āŠ•ે āŠ†āŠĩું āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ° āŠ–ાāŠĻ āŠĶ્āŠĩાāŠ°ા āŠ•āŠ°āŠĩાāŠŪાં āŠ†āŠĩી āŠ°āŠđ્āŠŊું āŠ›ે. āŠœો āŠ•ે āŠ–āŠŽāŠ°ોāŠĻે āŠĩāŠ§ુ āŠđāŠĩા āŠŪāŠģāŠĪા āŠ†āŠŪિāŠ° āŠ–ાāŠĻે āŠ† āŠŪાāŠŪāŠēે āŠ–ુāŠēાāŠļો āŠ•āŠ°્āŠŊો ...