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Weigh loss and clean stomach

To clean the stomach, in the morning drink this thing with hot water.

People are troubled by gas, acidity, constipation etc. in the stomach. All these stomach problems are due to the accumulation of dirt in the body. Due to accumulation of dirt in the body, the stomach is not well cleaned in the morning. Today, I will tell you a simple recipe to clean all the stomachs. Let's know about it. Drink the stomach in warm water in the morning and drink it, all the stomach's dirt will immediately become clean.

Just as you must take bath for external cleanliness of the body. Similarly, cleanliness inside the body from time to time is also important. Depression in the intestines is weakened by accumulation of dirt. And the digestive system gets worse. There is no digestion of food properly. And there is gas, acidity and constipation in the stomach. Today, I will tell you a recipe to clear the frozen dirt in the intestine.

Necessary ingredients-

To clean the intestines, you need lemon and water. This recipe is to be done in the morning. And do not eat anything after 30 minutes after this experiment.

To make this recipe -

Make a mixture of lemon juice in a glass by adding a little warm water. And this mixture should drink empty stomach in the morning. This measure should be done for you 10-15 days continuously. This will clear the stored garbage in the intestines. The digestive system will be corrected. And the food will grow well. Thereby eliminating stomach problems. And early morning the stomach will be cleaned immediately after defecation

Writing by Pratik patel. 
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