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Showing posts from May, 2019

Weigh loss and clean stomach

To clean the stomach, in the morning drink this thing with hot water. People are troubled by gas, acidity, constipation etc. in the stomach. All these stomach problems are due to the accumulation of dirt in the body. Due to accumulation of dirt in the body, the stomach is not well cleaned in the morning. Today, I will tell you a simple recipe to clean all the stomachs. Let's know about it. Drink the stomach in warm water in the morning and drink it, all the stomach's dirt will immediately become clean. Just as you must take bath for external cleanliness of the body. Similarly, cleanliness inside the body from time to time is also important. Depression in the intestines is weakened by accumulation of dirt. And the digestive system gets worse. There is no digestion of food properly. And there is gas, acidity and constipation in the stomach. Today, I will tell you a recipe to clear the frozen dirt in the intestine. Necessary ingredients- To clean the intestines...

Make sure to clean your intestines 1 time in 15 days - this is the way?

                    Make sure to clean your intestines         1     time in 15 days - this is the way How are you guys, today we are going to tell you how you can clean your hands in every 15 days very easily due to which your stomach will never be bad and if you are complaining of constipation it will also be removed. Because of which you have many diseases like this that will never happen, so read the entire article because the incomplete information is dangerous. How to clean the intestines - You have to take a spoonful triphala powder and take one spoon of honey and take it in a glass of hot milk in the cow's milk and leave it for 5 minutes and then drink that milk before sleeping. When you wake up in the morning, you will see that your full stomach in the bathroom must have been cleaned, that too all the garbage in your stomach should have gone out. It is a very effe...